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Vysokoškolské štúdium v zahraničí veľká británia
university of portsmouth

University of Portsmouth  - Logo University of Portsmouth

História University of Portsmouth, predtým známa ako Portsmouth Polytechnic, siaha až do roku 1870. Viac ako 20 000 študentov (z toho takmer 4000 medzinárodných z viac ako 140 rôznych krajín) študuje na piatich fakultách, ktoré ponúkajú široké spektrum rôznorodých odborov: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Fakulta humanitných a sociálnych vied), Faculty of Science (Prírodovedecká fakulta), Faculty of Technology (Technologická fakulta), Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries (Fakulta kreatívneho a kultúrneho priemyslu) a Portsmouth Business School. 

University of Portsmouth sa minulý rok v britskom rebríčku hodnotenia The Guardian University Guide dostala do prvej päťdesiatky, pričom tak oproti minulému roku postúpila o 6 miest. Tento posun odzrkadľuje predovšetkým zlepšenie sa v oblasti uplatnenia absolventov v praxi a spokojnosti študentov i vyučujúcich. Univerzita je výborne hodnotená predovšetkým v odboroch ako športová veda, hotelierstvo, cestovných ruch a event manažment, matematika, ekonomika, psychológia a staviteľstvo. 
K ďalším úspechom univerzity patrí tiež jej umiestnenie v rebríčku tzv. "moderných" univerzít, teda univerzít mladších ako 50 rokov, kde sa umiestnila v prvej desiatke v rámci UK a v prvej stovke na svete. 

University of Portsmouth je oprávnene hrdá na svoj rozsiahly výskumný program najmä v oblastiach aplikovanej matematiky, zdravotníckych profesií a európskych štúdií. Dôkazom vysokej kvality jej výskumno-vedeckej činnosti je aj spolupráca s Inštitútom biomedicínskych a biomolekulárnych vied, s Centrom pre európske a medzinárodné štúdiá, ako aj s Ústavom kozmológie a gravitácie. Univerzita za posledných 10 rokov investovala do rekonštrukcie a výstavby vyše 100 miliónov libier. Moderne vybavená univerzita študentom ponúka špecializované laboratóriá, simulovanú súdnu sieň či lekáreň, výborne vybavené počítačové miestnosti, možnosť využitia knižnice, či zapojenia sa do športového života v rámci Student Union. Purple Door Careers and Recruitment Service pomáha študentom pri hľadaní práce a získavaní potrebných pracovných skúseností. Absolventi univerzity sú úspešní na trhu práce -  až 89% z nich si nájde prácu takmer ihneď po ukončení štúdia. O vysokej kvalite výučby svedčia aj výsledky národného prieskumu The National Survey – 87% študentov bolo spokojných s výučbou na univerzite.


Bakalárske štúdium:
- maturitný priemer do 2,0 – 2,5 v závislosti od odboru
- maturita z AJ na úrovni B2, známka 1-2 v závislosti od odboru

Magisterské štúdium: 
- priemer známok počas bakalárskeho štúdia do 2,0 – 2,5 v závislosti od odboru
- maturita z AJ na úrovni B2, známka 1-2 v závislosti od odboru

Bakalárske odbory:
Accountancy and Financial Management
Accounting with Finance
American Studies
American Studies and History
Animation with Business Communication
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Biomedical Science
Broadcast Journalism
Building Surveying
Business and Human Resource Management
Business and Management
Business and Supply Chain Management
Business and Systems Management
Business Economics
Business Information Systems
Business Leadership and Management (Apprenticeship)
Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Business with Business Communication (Top-up)
Childhood and Youth Studies
Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology
Civil Engineering
Combined Modern Languages
Communication and English Studies
Computer Aided Product Design
Computer Animation and Visual Effects
Computer Animation with Business Communication
Computer Engineering
Computer Games Enterprise
Computer Games Technology
Computer Games Technology with Business Communication
Computer Networks
Computer Science
Computing and Information Systems (Distance Learning) (Top-up)
Construction Engineering Management
Creative Writing
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Criminology and Forensic Studies
Criminology with Psychology
Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy
Dental Nursing
Digital Marketing
Digital Media
Drama and Performance
Early Childhood Studies
Early Childhood Studies with Psychology
Economics and Management
Economics, Finance and Banking
Education and Training Studies (Top-up)
Electronic Engineering
Electronic Systems Engineering (Top-up)
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Geology and Geotechnics
English and American Studies
English and Creative Writing
English and History
English and Media Studies
English Language
English Language and Literature
English Literature
Entertainment Technology
Environmental Science
Exercise and Fitness Management
Fashion and Textile Design
Film Industries
Film Industries and Creative Writing
Film Production
Film Production with Business Communication
Finance with Business Communication (Top-up)
Financial Management for Business
Forensic Computing
Forensic Psychology
French Studies
Geological Hazards
German Studies
Graphic Design
History and Politics
Hospitality Management)
Hospitality Management with Tourism
Human Communication Science (Top-up)
Human Geography
Human Resource Management with Psychology
Innovation Engineering
Interior Architecture and Design
International Business
International Business Communication
International Development Studies
International Development Studies and Languages
International Relations
International Relations and History
International Relations and Languages
International Relations and Politics
International Trade and Business Communication
International Trade, Logistics and Business Communication (Top-up)
Journalism with English Language
Journalism with English Literature
Journalism with Media Studies BA
Applied Languages
Law with Business
Law with Criminology
Law with International Relations
Leadership, Business and Management (Top-up)
Logistics and Business Communication (Top-up)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Top-up)
Marine Biology
Marine Environmental Science
Marketing with Psychology
Mathematics for Finance and Management
Mathematics with Statistics
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Media Studies
Media Studies and Entertainment Technology
Music and Sound Technology
Music Computing
Musical Theatre
Nursing (Adult)
Operating Department Practice
Paramedic Science
Petroleum Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science (Top-up)
Physical Geography
Applied Physics
Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Product Design and Innovation
Property Development
Quantity Surveying
Radiography (Diagnostic)
Radiography (Therapeutic)
Risk and Security Management
Social Work
Sociology and Criminology
Sociology and Media Studies
Sociology with Psychology
Software Engineering
Spanish and Latin American Studies
Spanish Studies
Speech, Language and Communication Science
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Sport and Exercise Science
Sports Development )
Sports Science and Management (Top-up)
Television and Broadcasting
Television and Broadcasting with Business Communication
Web Technologies

Magisterské odbory:
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Applied Aquatic Biology
Applied Linguistics and TESOL
Accounting and Finance
Building Information Management (BIM)
Business and Management
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Child Forensic Studies: Psychology and Law
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering with Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering with Geotechnical Engineering
Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering
Clinical Exercise Science
Coaching and Development
Coastal and Marine Resource Management
Communication and Applied Linguistics
Communication Network Planning and Management
Communication Systems Engineering
Computer and Information Security
Computer Animation
Computer Games Technology
Computer Network Administration and Management
Construction Project Management
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance and Law/Grad ICSA
Counter Fraud and Counter Corruption Studies
Creative Industries
Creative Writing
Crime Science, Investigation and Intelligence
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Criminology and Criminal Psychology
Crisis and Disaster Management
Data Visualisation Design
Design for Digital Media
Digital Marketing
Digital Media
Economics, Finance and Banking
Education Studies
Educational Leadership and Management
Electronic Engineering
Energy and Power Systems Management
Engineering Geology
Environmental Geology and Contamination
European Politics
Fashion and Textiles
Film and Television
Financial Decision Analysis
Forensic Accounting
Forensic Information Technology
Forensic Psychology
Geographical Information Systems
Geological and Environmental Hazards
Graphic Design
Historic Building Conservation
History of War, Culture and Society
Human Resource Development and Training Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Humanities and Social Sciences
Information Systems
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Interior Design
International Criminal Justice
International Development Studies
International Finance and Banking
International Human Resource Management
International Relations
Literature, Culture and Identity
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration with Business Placement
Media and Communication
Medical Biotechnology
Medical Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Media Applications
Music Technology
Public Administration
Petroleum and Gas Engineering
PGCE Business Studies
PGCE Computer Science
PGCE English
PGCE Geography
PGCE Mathematics
PGCE Modern Foreign Languages
PGCE Further Education and Training
PGCE Science
Pharmacy Practice
Physical Activity, Exercise and Health
Professional Design Practice
Project Management
Property Development
Psychology and Learning Disability
Quantity Surveying
Risk, Crisis and Resilience Management
MRes Science
Security Management
Social Work
Software Engineering
Sport and Exercise Psychology (BPS Accredited)
Sports Management
Sports Performance
Strategic Quality Management
Sustainable Cities
Technology Management
TESOL Leadership and Management
Translation Studies
Urban Design

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  +421 2 5262 2612