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Vysokoškolské štúdium v zahraničí veľká británia
university of hertfordshire

University of Hertfordshire - Logo University of Hertfordshire

Predchodca dnešnej University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield Technical College, bol založený v roku 1951 a vyučovalo sa tu letecké inžinierstvo, ktoré bolo v tom čase dominantným priemyselným odvetvím Hatfieldu. Od roku 1992 má škola štatút univerzity a v dnešnej dobe poskytuje vzdelanie vyše 24 500 študentom nielen z Británie, ale aj celého sveta. Na univerzite študuje viac ako 2000 medzinárodných študentov z 85 krajín. V poslednom vydaní svetového rebríčka Times Higher Education sa University of Hertfordshire spomedzi všetkých univerzít na svete založených po roku 1964 umiestnila na 52. mieste, čím sa univerzita radí medzi najlepšie svetové moderné univerzity. V nedávnom prieskume zamestnanosti absolventov dosiahla vynikajúcich 96,2%, čím sa vyšplhala do prvej desiatky najúspešnejsích britských univerzít a predbehla dokonca aj Cambridge a Oxford. 

Vyučovanie prebieha na dvoch kampusoch: de Haviland a College Lane, ktoré sú navzájom v pešej dostupnosti. Študentom sú k dispozícii študovne s 24-hodinovým prístupom a najmodernejším softvérom, on-line prístup k študijným materiálom cez univerzitný StudyNet, knižnice, špecializované zariadenia ako cvičné astronomické observatórium, letecký simulátor, cvičná jednotka intenzívnej starostlivosti, hudobné a multimediálne štúdiá, cvičná súdna sieň, ako aj rôzne športoviská, či úplne nový komplex Forum spravovaný študentskou úniou.

Univerzita už tradične vyniká najmä v inžinierskych a informatických odboroch, no výborné výsledky dosahuje aj v zdravotných odboroch. Ako prvá britská inštitúcia ponúkala štúdium urgentnej zdravotnej starostlivosti (Paramedical studies).

Bakalárske štúdium 
- maturitný priemer do 2,0 – 2,5 v závislosti od odboru
- maturita z angličtiny na úrovni B2, známka 1-2 
- IELTS 6.0 - 6.5 v závislosti od odboru

Magisterské štúdium
- priemer známok počas bakalárskeho štúdia do 2,0 – 2,5 v závislosti od odboru
- certifikát IELTS 6.5 až 7.0 (podľa odboru), pozor, v prípade EÚ študentov univerzita neakceptuje iné druhy certifikátov, napr. TOEFL, CAE, CPE

Bakalárske odbory:
2D Animation and Character for Digital Media
3D Computer Animation and Modelling
3D Games Art & Design
Accounting and Economics
Accounting and Finance
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Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies
Aerospace Technology with Management
Aerospace Technology with Pilot Studies
Audio Recording and Production
Automotive Engineering with Motorsport
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Technology with Management
Bachelor of Education Hounours Degree Primary
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws (Commercial/Criminal Justice/Goverments and Politics)
Biological Science
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Science
Broadcast Media Technology
Business Administration
Business and Accounting
Business and Economics
Business and Event Management
Business and Finance
Business and History
Business and Human Resource
Business and Informations Systems
Business and Marketing
Business and Sport Management
Business and Tourism
Business Economics
Business Studies
CertHE Clinical Imaging
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence/Networks/Software Engineering)
Computer Technology and Networks
Computing with Human Geography
Contemporary Design Crafts (Ceramics and Glass/Jewellery/Textiles)
Contemporary Nursing
Creative Writing and English Language and Communication
Creative Writing and English Literature
Creative Writing and History
Creative Writing and Philosophy
Criminal Justice and Criminology
Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
Digital Media Arts
Early Childhood Education
Economics and Human Geography
Education Studies
Education Studies with Learning and Teaching
Education Studies with Special Educational Needs & Disability
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electronic Engineering and Mechatronics
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Computer Engineering
English Language & Communication and Journalism
English Language & Communication and Media
English Language & Communication with American Studies
English Language & Communication with any two Humanities minors
English Language & Communication with  Creative Writing
English Language & Communication with English Language Teaching
English Language & Communication with Film
English Language & Communication with French
English Language & Communication with German
English Language & Communication with History
English Language & Communication with Japanese
English Language & Communication with Journalism
English Language & Communication with Mandarin
English Language & Communication with Media Cultures
English Language & Communication with New Media Publishing
English Language & Communication with Philosophy
English Language & Communication with Public History
English Language & Communication with Religious Studies
English Language & Communication with Spanish
English Literature and American Studies
English Literature and History
English Literature and Journalism
English Literature and Media
English Literature and Philosophy
Environmental Management and Ecology
Environmental Management with Agriculture
Event Management and Marketing
Event Management and Tourism
Event Management
Fashion and Fashion Business
FCert English for Academic Studies (Standard)
Film and Television (Production)
Finance and Economics
Financial Management
Financial Mathematics
Fine Art
Graphic Design
Healthcare Science
History and American Studies
History and Human Geography
History and Journalism
History and Law
History and Media
History and Philosophy
History and American Studies
Human Geography with Environmental Studies
Human Geography
Human Resource Management
Humanities Open Programme
Industrial Design
Information Technology
Information Technology Management for Business
Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Biological Science/Mathemathics/Physics
Interactive Media Design
Interactive Technology with Animatronics
Interior Architecture and Design
International Business
International Management
International Tourism Management
Intl Foundation Programme
Journalism and Creative Writing
Journalism and Media
Jouralism and Philosophy
Marketing and Advertising
Marketing with Digital Communications
Marketing with Fashion
Mass Communications
Master of Optometry (MOptom)
Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Mechanical Engineering
Media and Creative Writing
Media and Philosophy
Media and Publishing
Midwifery and Women's Health
Mobile and Communications Technology
Mobile and Smart Systems
Model Design (Character and Creative Effects)
Model Design (Model Effects)
Model Design (Special Effects)
Molecular Biology
Motorsport Technology
Multimedia and Internet Technology
Multimedia Systems Technology
Music Composition and Technology for Film and Games
Music Composition and Technology
Music Industry
Music Technology
Nursing (Adult)
Nursing (Child)
Nursing (Learning Disabilities)
Paramedic Science
Pharmaceutical Science
Pharmacy, Dietetics and Nutrition Subject Focus route
Philosophy with any two Humanities Minors
Physical Geography
Politics and International Relations
Pre-Registration Midwifery
Pre-Sessional English (Advanced Route)
Production Design
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Social Work
Songwriting and Music Production
Sound Design Technology
Specialist Community Nursing (Community District Nursing)
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing)
Sport and Exercise Science
Sports Studies
Sports Therapy
Tourism Management
Visual Effects for Film and Television

Magisterské odbory:
Accounting and Financial Management
Advanced Computer Science
Advanced Physiotherapy
Advanced Physiotherapy (Neuromusculoskeletal)
Advancing Clinical Pharmacy Practice with Exended Placement
Advancing Pharmacy Practice
Aerospace Engineering
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Art Therapy
Artificial Intelligence with Robotics
Automotive Engineering
Business Analysis and Consultancy
Business and Organisational Strategy
Business Psychology
Cardiology and Stroke
Children an Young People's Health and Wellbeing
Clinical Dermatology
Clinical Research
Clinical Skin Integrity and Wound Management
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Communications and Information Engineering
Computer Networking Principles and Practice
Computer Science
Contemporary Crafts
Contemporary Nursing
Contemporary Textiles
Creative Writing
Digital Media Arts
Distributed Systems and Networks
Emdedded Intelligent Systems
Engineering (Aerospace) (Far STEM)
Engineering (Aerospace) (Near STEM)
Engineering (Automotive) (Far STEM)
Engineering (Automotive) (Near STEM)
English Literature: Modern Literary Cultures
Environmental Management
Film and Television
Finance and Investment Management
Fine Art
Games Art and Design
Global Business (Multiple Locations)
Graphic Design
Health Informatics
Human Resource Management
In Practice-Based Research
Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Interior Architecture and Design
International Business
International Tourism and Hospitality Management
Journalism & Media Communications
Leadership and Management in Public Services
Manufacturing Management
Master of Business Administration
Master of Health and Medical Education
Master of Midwifery
Masters in Teaching and Learning
Masters of Law
Mechanical Engineering
Medical and Healthcare Simulation
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences - Diagnostic Imaging
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences - Diagnostic Ultrasound
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences - Image Interpretation
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences - Radiotherapy and Oncology
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health Practice
Microelectronics and Computer Engineering
Midwifery and Women's Health
Molecular Biology
Music and Sound Technology (Audio Programming)
Music Composition for Film and Media
Nursing (Adult)
Occupational Psychology
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Paramedic Science
Pharmacy (Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme)
Pharmacy Practice
Power Electronics and Control
Primary Education
Product Design
Professional Engineering Work-Based Learning
Project Management
Project Management Practice
Psychiatric Practice
Psychology (Conversion Course)
Radio and Mobile Communication Systems
Research in Clinical Psychology
Research Methods in Psychology
Secondary Education Art and Design
Secondary Education Biology
Secondary Education Business Education
Secondary Education Chemistry
Secondary Education Mathematics
Secondary Education Modern Foreign Languages
Secondary Education Physics
Social Practice and Wellbeing
Social Work
Software Engineering
Sustainable Planning
Sustainable Planning and Environmental Management
Sustainable Planning and Transport
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Water and Environmental Management



Ohlasy študentov na túto univerzitu

Študijný odbor:
Games Art
Ako hodnotíte univerzitu, ktorú navštevujete? Ak to máte možnosť porovnať, ako ju hodnotíte v porovnaní so školstvom na Slovensku?
Univerzita je skvela, je povazovana za najlepsiu univerzitu v mojom odbore, v celom Anglicku a dokonca aj v europe! Samozrejme, na slovensku som na vysoku skolu nikdy nechodil ale myslim, ze sa to porovnat ani len neda. Tym, ze cele studium pozostava z "course work" naucil som sa nesmierne vela informacii a takisto si zlepsil umelecke schopnosti...
Ako zvládate štúdium?
Studium je velmi narocne, kedze mame len par hodin na to aby sme pochopili dane ucivo ako veci funguju a vedeli ich preniest do praxe, potom je to uz len hladanie veci online a "trial and error". 90% hodin su prakticke seminare kde bud kreslime alebo sa ucime 3D a ako to vsetko funguje. Preberame to vsetko do hlbky aby sme na konci tretieho rocnika boli zamestnatelni. Všetky hodiny do seba zapadaju i ked to niekedy moze byt matuce a pouzivanie rozneho softwaru sposobi, ze zo zaciatku sa vam to bude miesat dokopy.
Ako hodnotíte prístup učiteľov ku študentom?
Neporovnatelny so Slovenskymi ucitelmi a profesormi. Ucitelia prichadzaju z "industry" kde niekolko rokov pracovali na filmoch, hrach alebo animovanych rozpravkach. Vacsina z nich pred niekolkymi studovala presne ten isty odbor čo studujem teraz ja. Pocas procesu narazime na mnozstvo problemov alebo nejasnosti avsak sami nam povedali aby sme im kedykolvek napisali email a budu sa snazit nam pomoct tak ako to len ide. Su velmi ochotni a miluju čo robia.
Ste spokojný/á s vybavením školy? Ako hodnotíte dostupnosť a kvalitu študijných materiálov?
V areali sa nahadza cela budova urcena len pre 3D studentov, je plna vykonnych pocitacov a vsetko čo na studium potrebujem sa nahadza prave tam, ak je budova zatvorena, v kniznici sa nahadza jedna miestnost urcena prave pre nas,avsak ak pridete neskoro moze sa stat, ze volne miesto tam už nenajdete. Prednasky su zhotovene tak aby aj uplny amater ktory 3D program nikdy nepouzil, vedel nasledovat a postupne sa zlepsovat od uplneho zaciatku. Avsak je mudre sa oboznamit so softwarom pred tym ako na univerzitu nastupite.
Ako hodnotíte študentský život? (študentská únia, rôzne kluby, podujatia organizované školou, mesto)
Mesto kde žijem je velmi kludne, obcas aj nudne. Samozrejme nic tam nechyba. V campuse mame studentsky bar kde sa mozete cela trieda stretnut a trošku sa spoznat. Najblizsie obchody su 10 minut peso. Pri tomto odbore vsak na studentsky život nemam absolutne cas, maxinalne medzi semestrami kde mame dva tyzdne volno, okrem toho neustale pracujeme na projektoch.
Ako sa Vám páči ubytovanie?
Ubytovanie je na nase ale aj zahranicne pomery velmi drahe. Ja byvam v tom lacnejsom, mam sam izbu no steny su velmi tenke a pocut kazdy jeden zvuk z vedlajsej izby, takze obcas mi to uz prekazalo.
Našli ste si prácu? Ak áno, je náročné skĺbiť štúdium s prácou?
Pracu som si ani nehladal.. Nema to vyznam kedze musim pracovat kazdy jeden den na projektoch do skoly, je toho nesmierne vela a obcas neviem čo skor, ucitelia si to uvedomuju a prave preto je to jedna z najlepsich univerzit v odbore.
Považujete svoje rozhodnutie študovať v zahraničí za správne?
Ano, aj ked budem zadlzeni po studium ale uz teraz viem, že to bude stat za to! Nasiel som si tu kamaratov z celeho sveta, spoznal niekolko novych kultur, na slovensku by som taku moznost nikdy nemal.
Ako ste boli spokojný/á s poradenstvom a pomocou InterStudy pri vybavovaní štúdia?
Interstudy v podstate spravilo vsetko za mna,komunikacia s univerzitou bola na mieste. velmi mi pomohli s kazdou zalezitostou.
Doporučili by ste InterStudy Vašim priateľom či známym?
Urcite ano, velka cast komunikacie potrebna na studium a jeho vybavenie islo cez agenturu, stacilo spravit maly krocik a s ostatnymi som už dostal nalezitu pomoc.
Naše katalógy si môžete stiahnuť v elektronickej podobe, alebo Vám ich môžeme zaslať bezplatne na Vašu poštovú adresu.
Kontaktujte nás telefonicky alebo prostredníctvom krátkeho formulára, aby sme si na stretnutie s Vami mohli vyhradiť dostatok času.
Akcie, podujatia a novinky do vášho mailboxu
„Tento súhlas máte právo kedykoľvek odvolať. Takisto máte právo kedykoľvek namietať proti spracúvaniu Vašich osobných údajov na účely priameho marketingu vrátane profilovania.“

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