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Vysokoškolské štúdium v zahraničí veľká británia
university of birmingham

University of Birmingham - Logo University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham sa nachádza v meste Birmingham v stredovýchodnej časti Anglicka. Vznikla v roku 1900 a jej história sa viaže na dve školy: Queen’s College a Mason Scientific College. Jej dátum založenia z nej robí prvú „red brick“ univerzitu vo Veľkej Británii, ktorá sa za viac než sto rokov svojho pôsobenia stala piatou najväčšou univerzitou vo Veľkej Británii. Vďaka svojej centrálnej polohe má skvelé spojenie so všetkými časťami Veľkej Británie a obzvlášť dobrý prístup k rodisku Shakespeara, mestu Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxfordu i Welšským vrchom, ktoré sú od Birminghamu vzdialené menej ako hodinu cesty.

Birmingham je skutočne multikultúrne mesto – viac než 30% obyvateľov sú príslušníci etnických menšín a na univerzite študuje až  5 000 zahraničných študentov z viac ako 150 krajín sveta, vďaka čomu má Birmingham jednu za najväčších komunít zahraničných študentov vo Veľkej Británii. Všetci registrovaní študenti majú tiež možnosť navštevovať kurzy akademickej angličtiny zadarmo počas celého štúdia. Okrem International Students Advisory Service, ktoré študentom asistuje a poskytuje informácie o akademických i praktických aspektoch štúdia, je na univerzite pre študentov až 40 športových tímov a viac než 200 klubov a dobrovoľníckych organizácií.

Multikultúrny charakter mesta odráža tiež to, že sa v meste nachádza viac než 200 reštaurácií, v ktorých môžete ochutnať kuchyňu 27 krajín. Každé Vianoce sa tu tiež konajú trhy s názvom Frankfurt Market, na ktoré prichádzajú predajcovia z mnohých krajín.

Univerzita kladie veľký dôraz na obnovu a investície do svojho zariadenia. Do nového športového centra, ktorého otvorenie je naplánované na jar 2016, univerzita investovala 55 miliónov libier. V septembri 2015 bol otvorený nový internát, na ktorom je ubytovaných až 725 nových študentov a ďaľší internát pre takmer 200 študentov sa stavia.

University of Birmingham v roku 2013 The Sunday Times Good University Guide vyhlásili za univerzitu roku a o rok neskôr udelili Birminghamu rovnaké ocenenie The Times. Až 80% výskumu univerzity ohodnotil v roku 2014 Research Excellence Framework ako excelentný. Dôkazom kvality výskumu je aj fakt, že medzi absolventmi a prednášajúcimi univerzity sú dvaja premiéri vlády a až osem držiteľov Nobelovej ceny.

Na University of Birmingham sa stanete súčasťou stimulujúcej komunity študentov a výskumníkov. Univerzita vyučuje na magisterskom stupni viac ako 350 odborov, čo vám umožní rozvíjať vašu kariériu a venovať sa vašim záujmom. 

Podmienky prijatia na bakalársky stupeň:
- maturitný priemer do 1,0 – 1,75 v závislosti od odboru
jazyková podmienka
- certifikát IELTS 6.0 (s minimálnym skóre 5.5 z každej časti), alebo ekvivalent (vybrané odbory si môžu vyžadovať vyššie skóre)

Podmienky prijatia na magisterský stupeň:
Taught Master’s (štandardný magisterský program)
- na odbory, na ktoré sa vyžaduje britský priemer 2:1 - ukončené bakalárske štúdium (prípadne magisterské štúdium pred r. 2002) s priemerom do 1,5 / B
- na odbory, na ktoré sa vyžaduje britský priemer 2:2 - ukončené bakalárske štúdium (prípadne magisterské štúdium pred r. 2002) s priemerom do 2 / C
- medzinárodný certifikát IELTS 6.0 – 7.0 (podľa odboru) alebo ekvivalent
Research Master’s (magisterský program zameraný na výskum)
- ukončené bakalárske štúdium (prípadne magisterské štúdium pred r. 2002) s priemerom do 1,5 / B
- medzinárodný certifikát IELTS 6.0 – 7.0 (podľa odboru) alebo ekvivalent

Školné na magisterské štúdium je na väčšinu odborov od 7 000 do 11 000 libier, s možnosťou financovania nekomerčnou študentskou pôžičkou. Kontaktujte nás pre bližšie informácie. 

Bakalárske programy:

Accounting and Finance BSc
Aerospace Engineering BEng
Aerospace Engineering MEng
African Studies BA
African Studies with Development BA
American and Canadian Studies BA
American and Canadian Studies with year abroad BA
Ancient and Medieval History BA
Ancient History BA
Zobraziť všetky

Business Management
Anthropology and African Studies BA
Anthropology and Classical Literature and Civilisation BA
Anthropology and History BA
Anthropology and Political Science BA
Applied Golf Management Studies BSc (Hons)
Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and, BSc
Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and, MSci
Archaeology & Ancient History and History BA
Archaeology and Ancient History BA
Archaeology and Anthropology BA
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc with a year in industry
BA Education (Hons)
BA Policy, Politics and Economics
BA Political Science and Social Policy
Banking and Finance, Money and, BSc
Biochemistry (Genetics) BSc
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Biochemistry MSci (Hons)
Biochemistry with an International Year BSc (Hons)
Biochemistry with Professional Placement MSci (Hons)
Biochemistry with Study in Continental Europe BSc (Hons)
Biochemistry, Medical BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences (Genetics) BSc
Biological Sciences (Zoology) BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences MSci (Hons)
Biological Sciences with an International Year BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences with Professional Placement MSci (Hons)
Biological Sciences with Study in Continental Europe BSc (Hons)
Biology, Human (with International Year) BSc
Biology, Human BSc (Hons)
Biology, Human MSci (Hons)
Biology, Human, with Professional Placement BSc
Biomedical Ethics and Law
Biomedical Materials Science BMedSc
Biomedical Science BSc
BSc Business Management with Marketing
BSc Business Management with Marketing and Year in Industry
Business Management (Year in Industry) BSc
Business Management BSc
Business Management BSc, Chemistry with
Business Management MSci, Chemistry with
Business Management with Communications and Year in Industry BSc
Business Management with Communications BSc
Business Management with Marketing and Year in Industry BSc
Business Management with Marketing BSc
Business Management, Mathematics with, BSc
Business Management, Mathematics with, MSci
Business Studies, Law with LLB
Canadian Studies, American and, BA
Certificate of Higher Education in Food Safety & Food Legislation (a route to the Higher Certificate in Food Control)
Chemical Engineering (International Study) MEng
Chemical Engineering BEng
Chemical Engineering MEng
Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year
Chemical Engineering with Industrial Study BEng
Chemical Engineering with Industrial Study MEng
Chemical Engineering with International and Industrial Study MEng
Chemistry BSc
Chemistry MSci
Chemistry with a Modern Language BSc
Chemistry with a Modern Language MSci
Chemistry with Business Management BSc
Chemistry with Business Management MSci
Chemistry with Foundation Year
Chemistry with Industrial Experience MSci
Chemistry with Pharmacology BSc
Chemistry with Pharmacology MSci
Chemistry with Study Abroad MSci
Civil and Railway Engineering BEng
Civil and Railway Engineering MEng
Civil Engineering BEng
Civil Engineering MEng
Civil Engineering with Industrial Experience MEng
Civil Engineering with International Study MEng
Civil Engineering with International Study MEng
Civilisation, Classical Literature and, BA
Classical Literature & Civilisation and Philosophy BA
Classical Literature and Civilisation BA
Classics BA
Clinical Anatomy BSc - Intercalated Degree
Clinical Science BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
Communicable Diseases in International Health
Computer Science BSc
Computer Science BSc with a year in industry
Computer Science MSci
Computer Science with an Industrial Year MSci
Computer Science with Digital Technology Partnership - Degree Apprenticeship with PwC
Computer Science with Study Abroad BSc
Computer Science with Study Abroad MSci
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and, BSc
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and, BSc with a year in industry
Computer Science/Software Engineering MEng
Computer Science/Software Engineering MEng with a year in industry
Contemporary Medical Statistics
Creative Writing, English and, BA
Criminology BA
Criminology with Year Abroad BA
Criminology, Law with LLB
Dental Hygiene and Therapy BSc
Dental Surgery BDS
Development, African Studies, with BA
Drama and English BA
Drama and Theatre Arts B
Ethics in Research
Film, English and, BA
Foundation Pathways - Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Law
Foundation Pathways - Social Sciences, Business and Law
Foundation Pathways - Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Law
Foundation Pathways - Engineering and Physical Sciences
Foundation Pathways - Engineering and Physical Sciences
Foundation Pathways - Medical, Life and Geo Sciences
Foundation Pathways - Medical, Life and Geo Sciences
Foundation Pathways - Social Sciences, Business and Law
French Law, Law with, LLB
French Studies and Geography BA
French Studies and History BA
French Studies and Mathematics BA
French, International Relations with, BA
Golf Management Studies, Applied BSc
Health Management and Leadership - Intercalated Degree
Hispanic Studies and History BA
History and History of Art BA
History and Philosophy BA
History and Political Science BA
History and Russian Studies BA
History and Theology BA
History BA
History of Art BA
History of Medicine BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
History of Occupational Health and Medicine
History, Ancient and Medieval BA
History, Ancient, BA
Human Biology BSc (Hons)
Human Biology MSci (Hons)
Human Biology with an International Year BSc (Hons)
Human Biology with Professional Placement MSci (Hons)
Human Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
International Business BSc
International Business with Communications BSc
International Business with Language BSc
International Health BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
International Health Research Design
International Health Research Project
International Healthcare Organisation Module
International Law and Globalisation LLB
International Relations BA
International Relations with Economics BA
International Relations with Economics with Year Abroad BA
International Relations with French BA
International Relations with German BA
International Relations with Spanish BA
International Relations with Year Abroad BA
International Relations, Political Science and, BA
International Relations, Political Science, with Year Abroad BA
Law with Business Studies LLB
Law with Criminology LLB
Law with French Law LLB
Law with German Law LLB
Liberal Arts and Sciences BA / BSc / MArt / MSci
LLB for Graduates
LLB International Law and Globalisation
Materials Science and Engineering BEng
Materials Science and Engineering MEng
Materials Science and Engineering with Industrial Experience MEng
Materials, Nuclear Science and, BSc
Mathematical Economics and Statistics BSc
Mathematics and Computer Science BSc
Mathematics and Computer Science MSci
Mathematics and Computer Science with Industrial Year BSc
Mathematics and Computer Science with Industrial Year MSci
Mathematics and Music BA
Mathematics and Philosophy BA
Mathematics BSc
Mathematics MSci
Mathematics with a Year in Industry BSc
Mathematics with an International Year BSc
Mathematics with Business Management BSc
Mathematics with Business Management MSci
Mathematics with Study in Continental Europe BSc
Mechanical and Materials Engineering BEng
Mechanical and Materials Engineering MEng
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) BEng
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) MEng
Mechanical Engineering BEng
Mechanical Engineering MEng
Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Year MEng
Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering BEng
Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering MEng
Medical Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Medical Sciences BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
Medicine and Society, 1750 - 1950
Medicine and Surgery MBChB
Medicine and Surgery MBChB Graduate Entry Course
Mental Health and Deafness Cert/Advanced Cert
Metallurgy BEng
Modern Language BSc, Chemistry with a
Modern Language MSci, Chemistry with a
Modern Languages (University of Birmingham with The Open University pathway) BA
Modern Languages and English BA
Modern Languages and History of Art BA
Modern Languages and Music BA
Modern Languages BA
Modern Languages with Business Management BA
Money, Banking and Finance BSc
MPharm Pharmacy (4 year)
Music BMus
Natural Sciences BSc / MSci
Neurobiology of Mental Illness
Neurobiology of Psychological Processes
Non Communicable Diseases in International Health
Nuclear Engineering MEng
Nuclear Science and Materials BSc
Nursing BNurs
Nursing MNurs
Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments BSc (Hons)
Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments MSci (Hons)
Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments with an International Year MSci (Hons)
Pharmacology, Chemistry with, BSc
Pharmacology, Chemistry with, MSci
Pharmacy 5-year MPharm (integrated pre-registration format)
Pharmacy MPharm (4 year)
Philosophy and Sociology BA
Philosophy BA
Philosophy, Political Science and, BA
Philosophy, Political Science and, Year Abroad BA
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics BA
Physical Education and Coaching Science, Sport, BSc
Physical Sciences Foundation Year
Physics (International Study) BSc
Physics (International Study) MSci
Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc
Physics and Astrophysics BSc
Physics and Astrophysics MSci
Physics BSc
Physics MSci
Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc
Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology MSci
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
Policy, Politics and Economics with Year Abroad BA
Political Economy BA
Political Economy with Year Abroad BA
Political Science and International Relations BA
Political Science and International Relations with Year Abroad BA
Political Science and Philosophy BA
Political Science and Philosophy with Year Abroad BA
Political Science and Social Policy with Year Abroad BA
Political Science and Sociology BA
Political Science and Sociology with Year Abroad BA
Political Science BA
Political Science with Year Abroad BA
Politics BA
Politics with Year Abroad BA
Politics, Religion and Philosophy BA
Psychiatry & Psychopathology in the Arts
Psychological Medicine BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
Psychological Medicine Research Design
Psychological Medicine Research Project
Psychology and Psychological Practice MSci (Hons)
Psychology and Psychological Research MSci (Hons)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Public Health & Population Sciences BMedSc - Intercalated Degree
Public Health BSc
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
Research Design
Research Methodologies in the History of Medicine
Research Methods in Bioethics
Research Project
Research Project
Russian Studies and International Relations BA
Social Policy and Criminology BA
Social Policy and Sociology BA
Social Policy BA
Social Policy with Year Abroad BA
Social Policy, Political Science and, BA
Social Policy, Political Science and, Year Abroad BA
Social Work BA
Social Work with Year Abroad BA
Sociology and Criminology BA
Sociology and Education - BA (Hons)
Sociology BA
Sociology, Political Science and, BA
Sociology, Political Science and, Year Abroad BA
Software Engineering/Computer Science MEng
Software Engineering/Computer Science MEng with a year in industry
Spanish, Economics with, BSc
Spanish, International Relations with, BA
Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc (Hons)
Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science BSc (Hons)
Statistics, Mathematical Economics and, BSc
Theology and Religion BA
Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc
Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSci
Theoretical Physics BSc
Theoretical Physics MSci


Magisterské programy:

Accounting and Finance, International MSc
Accounting and Finance, International MSc (Pathway 2, 12 months)
Accounting and Finance, International MSc (Pathway 3,16 months)
Advanced Chemical Engineering Masters/MSc/Diploma 
Advanced Computer Science Masters/MSc
Advanced Mechanical Engineering Masters/MSc
Zobraziť všetky

Africa and Development MA
African Studies MA/Diploma
Air Pollution Management and Control MSc/Diploma
Antiquity MA: Byzantine Studies pathway
Antiquity MA: Classical Archaeology pathway
Antiquity MA: Classics and Ancient History pathway
Antiquity MA: Egyptology pathway
Applied and Petroleum Micropalaeontology MSc
Applied Linguistics MA
Applied Mathematics MSc 
Applied Meteorology and Climatology MSc
Archaeology MA / Diploma / Certificate Cultural Archaeology pathway
Archaeology MA / Diploma / Certificate Landscape Archaeology pathway
Archaeology, Classical pathway: Antiquity MA 
Art History and Curating MA
Art, History of, Curating, MA
Art, History of, MA
Biochemical Engineering Masters/MSc/Diploma 
Biology - Postgraduate Diploma Secondary Education (QTS) 
Biotechnology, Molecular MSc 
Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc 
Business Administration Graduate Diploma 
Business, International MSc 
Chemical Engineering, Advanced Masters/MSc
Classics and Ancient History pathway, Antiquity MA  
Commercial Law LLM
Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics MSc
Computer Science Advanced MSc
Computer Science Masters/MSc
Contemporary History MA
Creative Writing MA
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM 
Cyber Security Masters/MSc 
Dental Materials Science MSc
Development Economics MSc
Early Modern History MA
Economics MSc
Education MA
Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies Masters/MSc
English-Chinese Interpreting with Translation MA
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics MSc
Environmental Health MSc
Film and Television: Research and Production MA 
Financial Economics MSc
Financial Engineering Masters/MSc
Financial Management MSc
General LLM
Genomic Medicine MSc/Diploma/Certificate
Global Cooperation and Security MSc
Global Energy Technologies and Systems Masters/MSc
Global Ethics and Justice MSc
Global History MA 
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration 
Greek Archaeology MRes
Greek Studies, Modern MRes
Health Research Methods - MSc/Diploma/Certificate 
History of Art MA 
History of Warfare MA
History, West Midlands MA
History. Contemporary MA
History. warfare MA
Holocaust and Genocide MA/Diploma/Certificate
Human Computer Interaction Masters/MSc
Human Resource Management MSc
Hydrogeology MSc 
International Accounting and Finance MSc
International Business MSc
International Commercial Law LLM 
International Economics MSc 
International Law and Globalisation
International Law and Globalisation LLM
International Law LLM: Crime, Justice and Human Rights
International Law, Ethics and Politics MA
International Law: Crime, Justice and Human Rights LLM
International Marketing MSc
International Money and Banking MSc
international relations
International Relations (Contemporary Asia Pacific) MA/PGDip
International Relations (Diplomacy) MA/PGDip
International Relations (Gender) MA/PGDip
International Relations (International Peacekeeping) MA/PGDip
International Relations (International Political Economy) MA/PGDip
International Relations (Political Psychology) MSc
International Relations (Research Methods) MA
International Relations (Security) MA/PGDip
International Relations (Terrorism and Political Violence) MA/PGDip
International Relations (with specialist pathways) MA/PGDip
International Trade Law
International Trade Law LLM
Investments MSc
Islamic Studies MA 
Law, Commercial LLM
Law, LLM General
Literature and Culture MA
LLB for Graduates
LLM in International Commercial Law
Management MSc
Management MSc (with Specialist Pathways in Strategy and Entrepreneurship & Innovation)
Management: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Pathway MSc
Management: Operations Pathway MSc
Management: Organisational Leadership and Change Pathway MSc
Management: Strategy Pathway MSc
Marketing Communications MSc
Marketing MSc
Masters in Public Administration (Human Resources)
Mathematical Finance MSc
Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics (MORSE) Masters/MSc
Medieval Studies MA
Microbiology and Infection MSc
Migration, Superdiversity and Policy MA/Diploma/Certificate
Modern British Studies MA
Money, Banking and Finance MSc
MSc Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience
MSc Conflict, Statebuilding and Development
MSc Development Economics with Integrated pre-Masters
MSc Development Policy and Politics
MSc Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc Environmental and Natural Resource Economics with Integrated pre-Masters
MSc International Economics with Integrated pre-Masters
MSc International Money and Banking with Integrated pre-Masters
MSc Materials Science and Engineering
MSc Money Banking and Finance with Integrated pre-Masters
Music MA: British Music Studies pathway
Music MA: Choral Conducting pathway
Music MA: Critical Musicology pathway
Music MA: Early Music pathway Postgraduate
Music MA: Electroacoustic composition/sonic art pathway
Music MA: Global Popular Musics pathway
Music MA: Instrumental/Vocal Composition pathway
Music MA: Mixed Composition pathway
Music MA: Open Pathway with Performance
Music MA: Open Pathway without Performance
Music MA: Performance pathway
Music MA: Performance Practice pathway
Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management MSc/PG Diploma 
Philosophy MA 
Philosophy of Health and Happiness MA 
Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science MA 
Philosophy of Religion and Ethics MA/Diploma 
Physician Associate Studies MSc 
Policy into Practice (with Integrated Placement) MA/PG Diploma
Policy into Practice MA/Diploma/Certificate
Political Psychology of International Relations MSc
Political Science (British Politics and the State) MA/PGDip
Political Science (Research Methods) MA
Political Science (with specialist pathways) MA/PGDip
Political Theory MA/PGDip 
Psychology MSc 
Psychology of physical activity promotion 
Public Management and Leadership Blended MSc 
Religion, Politics and Society
Religious Studies
Research in Human Geography MSc 
River Environments and their Management MSc 
Robotics Masters/MSc 
Social Research (Education) MA
Social Research (Local Government and Public Policy) MA/PGDip/PGCert
Social Research (Social Policy) MA/Diploma
Social Research (Social Work and Professional Practice) MA/PGDip
Social Research MA
Social Work MA
Strategic Marketing and Consulting MSc 
Theology and Religion MA 
Toxicology MSc 
Translation Studies MA 
World Heritage Studies MA


University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Campus

Edgbaston Campus je situovaný zhruba 3 míle od centra Birminghamu v zelenej časti mesta. Nachádza sa tu väčšina univerzitných budov. Súčasťou kampusu je aj centrum The Guild, kde sa nachádza mnoho obchodov, kaviareň, banka, kaderníctvo, pošta, realitná kancelária, ktorá pomáha študentom nájsť si ubytovanie a dokonca aj cestovná kancelária, v ktorej majú študenti nárok na výhodné zľavy. Pokiaľ nemôžete navštíviť univerzitu počas dní otvorených dverí, môžete absolvovať virtuálnu prehliadku kampusu na jej webstránke.

University of Birmingham, Selly Oaks Campus

Selly Oaks Campus  je druhý, menší kampus, na ktorom sa nachádza  School of Education a Selly Oaks Visual Arts centre. Tento kampus má taktiež veľmi dobré vybavenie, no viac vidiecku atmosféru.

Ohlasy študentov na túto univerzitu

Naše katalógy si môžete stiahnuť v elektronickej podobe, alebo Vám ich môžeme zaslať bezplatne na Vašu poštovú adresu.
Kontaktujte nás telefonicky alebo prostredníctvom krátkeho formulára, aby sme si na stretnutie s Vami mohli vyhradiť dostatok času.
Akcie, podujatia a novinky do vášho mailboxu
„Tento súhlas máte právo kedykoľvek odvolať. Takisto máte právo kedykoľvek namietať proti spracúvaniu Vašich osobných údajov na účely priameho marketingu vrátane profilovania.“

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811 09 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 2 5262 2611
  +421 2 5262 2612