Bratislava: 02-5262 2611



Bakalárske štúdium

Business Information Technology 
Climate Smart Agriculture
Computer Applications
Construction Engineering
Electrical and Automation Engineering
Electrical Engineering (double degree)
Energy Technology (double degree)
Forest Management
Health Care, Nursing 
ICT, Circular Economy
ICT, Robotics
Industrial Engineering And Management
Industrial Information Technology
Industrial Mechanical Engineering
International Business
Mechanical Engineering (double degree)
Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology
Paramedic Nurse
Professional Horticulture
Smart and Sustainable Design
Software and Systems Engineering (double degree)
Sustainable Construction Technology
Sustainable Design Business
Sustainable International Business
Sustainable Solutions Engineering
Sustainable Urban Design
Technology and Engineering Science
Tourism and Hospitality Management

Magisterské štúdium

Business Analytics
Circular Economy
Data-Centric Engineering
Digital Systems and Service Development 
Electric Transportation Systems
Electrical Engineering
Energy Conversion
Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme Software Engineers for Green Deal
Global Management of Innovation and Technology
Industrial Design Engineering
Innovation and Logistics
International Business and Entrepreneurship
International Marketing Management
Management in Sustainable Business (MBA)
Materials Science and Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Nordic Master's Programme in Sustainable ICT Solutions of Tomorrow
Nuclear Engineering
Software Engineering and Digital Transformation
Software Product Management and Business
Strategic Finance and Analytics
Supply Management
Sustainability Science and Solutions
Sustainable Biomass & Bioproducts Engineering
Sustainable Energy Systems
Sustainable Technologies
Water Technology

Dohodni si konzultáciu alebo vyplň predbežnú prihlášku a povieme Ti viac o Tvojich možnostiach štúdia.  

tel.: 02 - 5262 2611

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Gajova 4 (5. poschodie)
811 09 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 2 5262 2611
  +421 2 5262 2612