Bratislava: 02-5262 2611

Denka (Hotel Management, Saxion University, Holandsko)

Denka (Hotel Management, Saxion University, Holandsko)

I really love to study at Saxion and to live in the Netherlands. The level of education is very high and different from the Slovak one. Lecturers are our friends and examples. They do not try to push us down but instead they support us and advise us how to improve and how to be successful. We are free to say our opinion and we receive feedback everywhere. We make friends from all over the world, get to know new cultures and we are able to learn new languages. We get more opportunities to travel abroad. We have the chance to do the internships twice during our studies or simply do an exchange program. I really like the fact that together with theoretical and practical skills we get also a better insight into multiculturalism which will help us to better understand people but most important we will leave this school with enough experience to already start our dream career.

Naše katalógy si môžete stiahnuť v elektronickej podobe, alebo Vám ich môžeme zaslať bezplatne na Vašu poštovú adresu.
Kontaktujte nás telefonicky alebo prostredníctvom krátkeho formulára, aby sme si na stretnutie s Vami mohli vyhradiť dostatok času.
Akcie, podujatia a novinky do vášho mailboxu
„Tento súhlas máte právo kedykoľvek odvolať. Takisto máte právo kedykoľvek namietať proti spracúvaniu Vašich osobných údajov na účely priameho marketingu vrátane profilovania.“

Gajova 4 (5. poschodie)
811 09 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 2 5262 2611
  +421 2 5262 2612